
This is No Horse Sense

Show Horse with Cardiac Arrhythmia gets Ablation surgery

This really, no horse sense in any sense of the word. The chaotic irregularity of atrial pulse was clearly acknowledged by mos physicians of the ancient China, Egypt and Greece. William Harvey (1578-1657), who first described the cirulatory system appropriately, was probably the first to describe fibrillation of the auricles in animals in 1628.

The rate that technology has been evolving over the last decade is a marvel in treatment for A-Fib patients. First the KardiaMobile, then the heart monitoring scan watches and I just recently ran across the Oura Ring.

Looking closer

It’s been out for a while, actually it’s the 3rd generation ring because they had to tweak some things to get the 1st and 2nd generation ring right in which they are very close to perfection.

There is now a bright light of hope in the latest and newest technology that happened in February of this year (2022). My faith and interest suddenly got a rather huge jolt when I read this article yesterday.

Sadly, I only know one other person that has A-Fib, there are many more like myself.  I say that because I like to compare my symptoms to what others are experiencing so that I know I’m handling it correctly or not. (I’ve since found and joined MyHeartDiseaseTeam Support Group) feel free to join.

Show Horse Has Ablation Surgey for Arrhythmia- This is no Horse Sense
Show Horse Has Ablation Surgey for Arrhythmia

20%-40% Ablation Procedures Unsuccessful (No Horse Sense)

So, after having ablation surgery twice and my friend 4 times, this new technology has been working on this procedure that you may only have to have it done once! That is the goal of course, and it sheds light and hope for anyone that has arrhythmia.

The doctor that wrote this article explains that existing invasive mapping has limitations in speed, efficacy and safety, and existing non-invasive mapping requires additional steps, such as magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography, and cannot map the entire heart organ.

vMapping Success

To shorten procedure times and improve ablation success, electrophysiologists need to be able to visualize arrhythmia hotspots in the heart quickly and accurately.

He further says, the vMap got clearance from the FDA in November of 2021 and the vMap converts ECG data into 2D and 3D arrythmia source maps using data leveraged from millions of arrhythmia simulations.

Stimulants, performed by technology resources including UC San Diego Supercomputer Center. The results from the vMap’s first clinical study will be published later this year.

Cardiac Arrhythmias in Horses

I hope you find this as amazing as I do, because it’s been a long time coming, and it’s taken 5 centuries to advance in technology to get this far. (The vMap was done on a show horse that didn’t respond to electro cardioversion and the mapping was needed to restore the horse’s normal rhythm).

Anti-arrhythmic drugs may be used to attempt to restore a normal rhythm. The Equine Cardio team also has a longstanding experience with pacemaker implantation in horses for arrhythmias that cause the heart to beat to slowly.

Diamant's Ablation Surgery-This is no Horse Sense
Diamant’s Ablation Surgery

vMap Ablation

“The vMap ablation on a horse is a world first and the technique opens broad perspectives for treatment of arrhythmias in horses or other large animals in the future”, said Professor Van Loon.

The Equine cardio team also has a longstanding experience with pacemaker implantation in horses as well.

Horses all over the world are being treated by electroshock therapy because of the over 95% success rate. In human medicine, it is well known that many patients experience recurrence of atrial arrhythmias.

The reason is that specific ‘diseased’ groups of cells reinitiate the arrhythmia because they are electrically instable.

Reducing the Risk for Recurrence

Ablation, a technique that inactivates these diseased cells by heating or cooling, allows to dramatically reduce the risk for recurrence. Advanced imaging techniques such as CT and MRI are needed to exactly localize the ablation catheters in the heart. For more information about Diamant, click hyperlink.

Until next time folks, there will be a next time and I’ll definitely keep you informed. I hope you enjoyed reading about this story, it’s quite amazing.

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Wishing you well,


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