English Marigold Non GMO
Natural Herbal Remedies

Natural Herbal Remedies for Healing Found in America

Coconut Benefits
Coconut helps you convert the “bad” LDL into good cholesterol

Natural Foods Aren’t Found in Processed Foods

Some foods can negatively affect your heart and have been shown to increase the risk of heart complications, like A-Fib as well as heart disease. These type of foods can trigger A-Fib symptoms, these foods include soda and sugary baked goods. There are some natural remedies for healing found in America and probably right in your own back yard. First let’s take a look at what foods to avoid.

Some of the Foods to avoid when you have A-Fib are the biggest no no’s, processed foods, mostly canned and prepackaged foods that are high in sodium. Other foods to avoid when you have A-fib are foods high in cholesterol such as too many shrimp per week, although shrimp is on the healthy to eat seafood list, they are high in cholesterol.

Any food in moderation is a good thing if you want to avoid weight gain, diabetes, cognitive decline and certain cancers, avoid these types of food when you have Atrial Fibrillation.

An alternative to everyday foods that negatively affect your heart is natural herbal remedies for healing found in America. Below is a list of healing plants you should surround yourself with.

What is A-Fib? (Natural Foods can Prevent A-Fib)

Atrial Fibrillation or A-Fib, of AF is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots n the heart. A-Fib increases the risk for stroke, heart failure and other heart related complications.

During atrial fibrillation, the hearts upper chambers (the atria) beat chaotically leaving you with a feeling that your heart is going to jump out of your chest. When you pull a spark plug out of your engine, the engine rocks visibly, that’s an example of what your heart is doing.

For many people, A-Fib may have no symptoms. However, A-Fib may cause a fast pounding heartbeat (palpation), shortness f breath or weakness and dizziness. In those cases, you should call emergency services if you’ve never experienced this before so the doctors can diagnose you. Always listen to your doctor before changing any regimen.

It’s Typical for A-Fib to Progress through two stages

When someone is diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, their disease state usually progresses through 2 stages.

  1. Paroxysmal A-Fib-This early stage of A-Fib is characterized by symptoms that come and go. Typically, patients with paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation are in a normal rhythm most of the time.
  2. Persistent Atrial Fibrillation– As you experience more and more episodes of A-Fib, the episodes and duration of A-Fib last for a longer amount of time. Persistent A-Fib is defined as lasting longer than 7 days. So, if you’ve had hard palpitations and they feel irregular for more than 7 seven days, seek medical attention.  

Treatment Options

Depending on the severity of a person’s symptoms and what stage of the disease they are in, various treatment options can be used to reduce the risk of developing serious complications.

This is where I’d look into a heart monitor EKG for home use, seriously folks. Because by the time you get to your appointment (if you didn’t go to the E.R.) you have no symptoms and the doctor can’t diagnose or treat your A-fib. That is what I experienced for several years before getting diagnosed 30 years later, by then I was in the 3rd stage which didn’t take long to get to the 4th stage. Stroke is the most common complications of Atrial Fibrillation.

Treatment Options-

Blood Thinners- You are on the road to taking blood thinners for the rest of your life! Unless you qualify for the Watchman Procedure

List of Blood Thinners You May Be Prescribed

  • Warfarin
  • Eliquis
  • Xarelto
  • Enoxaparin ( injection short term)
  • Aspirin (very weak blood thinner no longer recommended for stroke risk)
  • Pradaxa
  • AspirinIn cases of profound A-Fib symptoms, you may require additional medications designed to adjust and correct the electrical activity of the heart. These medications usually affect either the sodium or potassium channels of the heart to treat AFib. There are more restrictions and potential side effects with these medications, so these are not typically used as a first-line treatment option.

    Sodium Channel Blockers-

  • Flecainide
  • Propafenone
  • Quinidine

Potassium Channel Blockers

  • Sotalol
  • Dofetilde
  • Multaq
  • Amiodarone

Procedures for A-Fib

The Watchman is one procedure-While medications are common for atrial fibrillation as first-line treatment, they may not control afib and won’t stop it long term. However, procedures are becoming first-line treatment and could stop your afib, and in some cases, may decrease your stroke risk.

Electrical Cardioversion

Catheter Ablation

Surgery Procedures such as the Maze

Hybrid Ablation Procedures

Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion Devices

Read more at StopAFib.org

I’ve always said, You’re not alone with your A-Fib, yet I struggle to find a common connection with others that are going through the same thing as I am. You would think out of 6.1 million people with A-Fib, I’d have found that connection by now. Here is a connection we can all learn from… A-Fib Forum

Back to foods that you should avoid and now understand why


Excessive alcohol will trigger episodes of Atrial Fibrillation, keep it moderate

Cofee is A Stimulant Trigger For A-Fib

Alcohol is at the top of the list of things that trigger A-Fib symptoms. A-Fib and Alcohol do not mix if it’s a trigger of yours. It may also interfere with the medications prescribed to you.

Caffeine is a stimulant (everyone knows that), if you’ve been diagnosed with A-Fib, cut back to 1 or 2 cups of coffee per day, it can trigger an episode, cutting it out completely is a good step. Tea and sodas also have caffeine in them as well as some over the counter meds, so always check your labels at the store before purchasing, just use caution.

Processed Foods, Fast Foods, Burgers are processed foods, doughnots, the list goes on.

The 8 Natural Herbal Remedies That Would End Most Preventable Diseases in America

Natural Remedies vs Big Pharma

Natural Herbal Remedies Found in America
Oil of Oregano

Benefits of Oil of Oregano

  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • May help fight bacteria
  • Could have anti-cancer properties
  • May help reduce viral infection
  • Could decrease inflammation
  • Natural antibiotic
  • May help lower cholesterol

1- Oil of Oregano

Antibiotics are useless against viruses, but the symptoms of a viral attack is similar to those of bacterial infections. Antibiotics wipe out your good gut flora, destroying your immune system in the process helping a viral infection cripple your health quickly. A simple natural solution to viral and bacterial invasions is oil of oregano.

Oil of oregano is nature’s antibiotic. Without hurting gut bacteria, oil of oregano has been shown to kill viruses (at least 30 different strains including staphylococcus aureus), common colds, pneumonia (corona viruses), respiratory infections, chronic sinusitis, pollen allergies, bad bacteria, fungi (yeast infections) and other harmful microorganisms.

Oil of oregano can even kill helicobactor pylori bacteria, which causes most ulcers. It’s no the answer to all infections, especially acute bacterial infections (they usually require standard antibiotics), but it certainly can reduce this overuse and misuse of antibiotics we see all across the country at hospitals and in confined animal feeding operations.

2- Tumeric

Tumeric Benefits


Tumeric/Curcumin- The most widely studied plant-derived medicinal chemical in modern science, curcumin helps reverse cervical cancer, colon cancer and COPD by causing cancer cells to destruct. It’s also key in fighting inflammation (hint for all of you suffering from arthritis).

3- Coconut Oil- Despite mainstream media trying to debase it’s amazing health benefits, coconut oil remains one of the best natural saturated fats you can consume for healthy cholesterol (HDL), plus it helps you convert the “bad” LDL into good cholesterol. Improve your hair and skin, lose weight, improve digestion and build immunity against infection and diseases.

Coconut oil strengthens the immune system thanks to its antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, which have antibacterial, antifunal and antiviral properties. Beat Dementia and Alzheimer’s with organic coconut oil as well.

4-Vitamin D- It’s good to take your vitamin D with some healthy dietary fats. Get ready to maintain those healthy bones. In the winter and colder months you may need to take vitamin D3 along with potassium and calcium to make up for the lack f sunshine and especially if you’re dark skinned.

5- Vitamin C- You may not know this, but most vitamin C sold today comes from genetically modified, pesticide-laden corn. That means you must seek out non-GMO vitamin C and consider the capsule form of acerbic acid, because it supports efficient food digestion. This master nutrient boosts hundreds of metabolic interactions throughout the body.

6-Garlic- One of my favorites for years, the key medicinal compound in garlic is allicin, which has antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal and antioxidant properties, not to mention all the vitamins and minerals you’re getting with garlic, including B1, B6, C, as well as manganese, calcium, copper and selenium. Know that cooking garlic reduces a significant amount of these medicinal qualities. Garlic is also a natural antibiotic and an excellent super food for heart health that improves circulation, controls hypertension and lowers bad cholesterol.

7- Apple Cider Vinegar- Rich in minerals like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and copper, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, and E, and bioflavonoids, apple cider vinegar helps your body absorb essential minerals from the foods you eat. It also treats constipation and promotes weight loss.

8- Cinnamon- It would take an entire article to cover the list of benefits of daily cinnamon. People of many cultures mix honey with cinnamon to treat major health situations, such as arthritis, bladder infections, colds, heart diseases, indigestion, influenza, acne, fatigue, skin infections, hearing loss and yes, cancer.

Link to www.healthline.com

American Diabetes Association caught pushing recipes containing ingredients that promote diabetes

Credits go to Healthline for information researched by this and other sites.

I connected it to my other site, https://my-heart-health.com please feel free to check it out over there. Many articles about Atrial Fibrillation, Treatment and Devices to help you cope with A-Fib.

*Below are alternatives for Natural Herbal Remedies for Healing Found in America
( note: consult with your physician before changing your doctors regimen)

What Plant Gives Us Medicine?

Several plants are used primarily for their rhizomes including ginger root, wild columbine and blood root. The seeds of many plants are used for their medicinal properties. Seeds may be contained within a fruit or are sometimes used on their own.

What Plant Has Healing Properties?

Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera Plant

May assist with protein digestion and absorption, improve gastrointestinal motility, decrease bowel transit tiime, supports a healthy stomach and efficient digestion, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

English Marigold
English Marigold Non GMO

English Marigold Non GMO

Self seeding, edible and medicinal purposes for skin complaints or wound treatment, also a natural defense against pests.

Cancer protection according to the research done by The Journal of Nutrition, the antioxidents in marigolds help fight and prevent cancer.

Gotu Kola Plant
Gotu Kola Plant

Gotu Kola Plant

Antioxidant properties that help to heal wounds and minor burns and to prevent scarring after an injury or surgery.

Traditionally used in Chinese and Indonesian medicine. Consumed as juice, tea or supplement in Southeast Asia.

Plants You Should Surround Yourself With Are:

  • Aloe Vera
  • English Marigold
  • Ginger
  • Ashwagandha
  • Gotu-Kola
  • Spider plant, Snake plant, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Ponytail Palm and Boston Fern
  • Passionflower
  • Kava

What Plant does Native Americans use for Pain?

Nettles. The Hesquiaht and the Miwok peoples used the plant to relieve muscle and joint pain, sometimes by whipping stems of fresh nettles over the affected body areas. The formic acid contacting the skin caused a temporary burning and blistering, but it also created a rush of circulation to those parts.

What is the Most Powerful Herb in the World?


Turmeric is certainly the most powerful herb on the planet. It is from the ginger family that is primarily grown in India, China and Indonesia. It contains various compounds with medicinal properties. For example, turmeric contains Curcumin which is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the body’s own antioxidant enzymes.

Tumeric is also highly used for inflammation and swelling, arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression and the list goes on.

You Should Not Digest Tumeric if You Have The Following:

  • Gallbladder problems
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Infertility
  • Iron Deficiency
  • Hormone-sensitive conditions
  • Arrhythmia

Pregnant women and those who are going to undergo surgery should not use Tumeric as it’s also a blood thinner.

Approximately 35% of respondents reported their current use of herbal medicine. Respondents born before 1946 reported higher use of herbal medicine than any other age groups although this finding was not statistically significant when adjusted for other factors.

I hope you left with something you can literally try out at the dinner table. Remember, always talk with your doctor before making any changes outside of doctors orders. More on heart health

If you have Atrial Fibrillation, please check out my other website for more information on heart arrhythmias.

Wishing you the best,


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