Smallest Pacemaker Micra
Heart Health,  Pacemaker

New Options for Healthy Hearts

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

We all have options, it’s about which one do we choose that’s right for ourselves. New technology comes out all of the time and when one like this comes out, it gets my attention. The reason is that we, meaning people that have Atrial Fibrillation, have yet more New Options For Healthy Hearts.

Whether you have other heart issues or Atrial Fibrillation, there are so many new choices of out there it can be overwhelming and confusing.

Many Options On the Table

Not only products for heart health are involved, but which surgeries you should choose, such as, The Watchman, Catheter Ablation, the new Micra, world’s smallest pacemaker in the world opposed to the conventional pacemaker and more New Options For Healthy Hearts.

It’s a lot to take in, trust me I know. I have a conventional pacemaker and technology wasn’t this far when I had my implant. Jealous of the new Micra, I find myself wishing that I somehow could have held out for it.

Conventional vs Micra Size
Conventional vs Micra Size

The truth is, I didn’t have a choice, so my only hope now is when, in 13 years I need a battery change in the pacemaker I have, I’ll be able to, or would like to have the Micra implant ( more research needed on that one). There’s a question for my cardiologist, I get checked once a year now and if it’s working, why fix it?

Product Options For Healthy Hearts

In the early stages of my heart disease, (Atrial Fibrillation) I knew something was wrong, but I was never diagnosed. Unless you are in Atrial Fibrillation at your doctor appointment, they’re not going to catch it. This brings me to the product, KardiaMobile EKG heart Monitor I display on my sites, Oximeters, Apple EKG scan watches, Quardio blood pressure machines for home use, technology is booming.  If I would’ve had that technology that’s out there today to use when I had episodes, I could have taken the readings to my doctor sooner to catch the A-Fib.

Who knows, I may not have ended up with a pacemaker at all, no, I’m sure I wouldn’t have a pacemaker now. It’s so important to catch Atrial Fibrillation in the early stages to avoid my end result. So, in my articles and content throughout my sites, I find all information to bring to you so that you can have options to make the right decisions for yourself.

My Commitment to Your Heart Health

I have a mission that I’m passionate about and it’s called, Atrial Fibrillation Awareness. As you may know the numbers are going to double to 12 million or more in the year 2030. I’ve stated this several times in my posts over the last 6 months. It is my mission to spread the importance of getting diagnosed early on in the stages of A-Fib to reduce your risk of stroke.

Your chances of stroke are 5 times higher than a person without it. If not treated, this can lead to death. Atrial Fibrillation is usually the underlying cause of death due to a stroke. It’s unacceptable, when there are so many products available to use and track, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen etc… I want to pass my knowledge and research along to you so that you will be educated about the things you can do for yourself and to avoid being a statistic.

The products on my sites are just secondary to my passion, they give you options to choose from that help you manage your A-Fib or heart disease, options, I never had. If you’re reading this, I strongly suggest taking a look at my other articles and get a better perspective of how they can help you with your day to day living with Atrial Fibrillation or do your own research, you owe it to yourself.

Ablation is considered a safe and non-invasive procedure, although there have been deaths with complications, there have been great outcomes for others, it’s a learning in progress for technology and it’s moving forward quite fast to find a cure for A-Fib.

Even if you don’t have Atrial Fibrillation, this is your chance to change your lifestyle so that you too can have new options for a healthy heart.

Thank you for stopping by, if you have a comment or question, please feel free to comment or you can email me at and you are welcome to visit my other website for more on A-Fib at

Wishing you well,


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